
During the Spring, we often want to take the time to get out of the house, explore, and feel mother nature’s vibrant energy. Here at The Woods Inn, we are located close to many unique things to do in the Adirondacks.

Adirondack Saddle Tours



Adirondack Saddle Tours

by The Woods Inn 

April 1, 2019

During the Spring, we often want to take the time to get out of the house, explore, and feel mother nature’s vibrant energy. Here at The Woods Inn, we are located close to many unique things to do in the Adirondacks. To prepare yourself for the upcoming summer months, head into the Adirondack Mountains for a journey that will bring life and energy to those wanting to enjoy the great outdoors. We’ve selected a nearby adventure that should be on the top of your list of things to do in the Adirondacks.

Working with Veterans

The Adirondack Saddle Tours is a wonderful organization that connects with local veterans on a day to day basis. If you’re dealing with PTSD, a disability, or are vacationing with someone that is, this organization prides themselves on working with those individuals closely and continuously in a safe, calm, and respectable manner.

Whether you’re using a wheelchair or walker, know that you will be in safe hands as you are mounted onto the horse. You will most definitely feel empowered when on top of one of the most majestic creatures known to man. The horses at Adirondack Saddle Tours are friendly, docile, and well taken care of.


What to Expect upon Arrival


When arriving you’ll feel comfortable knowing that the guides hand select a horse to fit the experience of the rider. These gentle horses are well versed in the journey you’ll be taking through the Adirondack Mountains. You will have the opportunity to become accustomed to your new friend before heading out this gorgeous venture. Be sure to dress comfortably, jeans and closed toed shoes are recommended to enjoy this adventure to the fullest!


Escape to Tranquility


Unplug from the world with a peaceful horseback ride, capturing the alluring scent of the meadow along the way. Don’t be startled if a turkey wrestles its way out from the tall grass onto the path when riding through the Adirondack Mountains. Many animals are spotted during these rides, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled along the way. Wading through the lake on a horse will be the most memorable experience throughout the journey as you pause to have a quick snack and let the horses take a drink from the water. Delight yourself in the Adirondack Mountains anywhere from one hour to five as you take time to appreciate the wilderness. Feed the horses carrots provided along the way, feeling the whiskers and soft skin of their nose grazing against the palm of your hand. Experienced riders can expect to be able to trot and even gallop throughout your voyage.  


Historic Lodging in the Adirondack Mountains



Check horseback riding off your list of things to do in the Adirondacks when lodging at The Woods Inn. With twenty unique rooms, including a handicapped accessible room to chose from. You can book your stay by calling 1-315-357-5300 or by visiting The Woods Inn. When hosting an event around the Adirondack Mountains, be sure to check out catering options from The Woods Inn online today.


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